UPDATE: iTunes currently lists the short in its Disney Short Films category but returns a message of The item you requested is currently not available in the US store when you either attempt to purchase the item or link to its product page. I purchased the short from the US iTunes store on June 13th in the afternoon. If anyone associated with Disney Home Entertainment or iTunes can clarify the situation please contact me via email or post comments.
UPDATE 2: The short is now again available for purchase and download.
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Woo Hoo! (or rather Garsh), thanks for the tip!
Finally available, but holding out for hi-def version (don't want to have to buy it again when Apple eventually opens a hi-def movie downloads store). Now if only all those other 90's animated shorts would come out to see the light of day!
Is there some reason why I can't buy it in a US store?
Woo hoo, except not available in Canada.
Jeff, were you able to purchase this? iTunes currently gives a message saying that it is currently unavailable in the US store.
I purchased it on iTunes the day of the post. Not sure what is going on. But I now get the same message "Not Available in the US store" as well.
Any official Disney folk out there that can shed some light on this?
I don't know if Disney or iTunes will get back to us, but that error message sure made me mad. :(
What gives? I've been trying to download that short from iTunes for 3 days now with no luck.
C'mon Disney... get it fixed.
I haven't tried to download it yet but I loved this short when I first saw it in theaters. It was attached to a movie...I forgot which one though. Disney should do that with all of their films...always include a short! lol
An update for everybody, I just successfully purchased the short from the iTunes Store.
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