I really got a kick out of this sign that was located in Tomorrowland promoting "new-fangled Air-Cooling" within the the Carousel of Progress. The attraction remains in Walt Disney World primarily due to its nostalgia qualities and historical significance, and the sign most certainly plays homage to those dynamics. It is a fun and clever design.
Nothing like a moving bench, with air-conditioning, to assist with taking a load off your tired feet, and Tomorrowland has two such attractions!
Actually, I am thoroughly enamored with the Carousel of Progress. One of my fondest memories of my last trip was the sing-a-long that the group I was with instituted at every turn.
I love that! It appears to have been designed with the original Disneyland COP poster in mind. Nostalgia for the future.
Love it. New desktop, here we come.
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