Happily, the Goofy cartoon
How to Hook Up Your Home Theater is available again on iTunes after a brief hiatus. 2719 reader Shane Snyder was amazingly quick on the remote when he found this series of Sport Goofy cameos as part of a football player pile-up near the end of the short. Featured in the montage are characters from three separate Goofy cartoons. (Well four, if you count the obvious reference to
How to Play Football.)
A hockey player from
Hockey Homicide is followed by Goofy and his horse from the
How to Ride a Horse segment of
The Reluctant Dragon. Finally, and hilariously, is the instructional stick figure from the short
How to Play Golf.

Some of the other not quite so hidden gags in the short include the bookshelf photos we featured in a prior post, references to Mickey Mouse and Dopey on the television box, a cuckoo clock inspired by the short
How to Ski, and a cameo by Cleo from

Another eagle-eyed reader spotted the stadium scoreboard near the beginning of the cartoon that identified the two football teams as the Geefs and the Dawgs--a distinct tribute to Goofy's two other cartoon identities, his early 1930s moniker of Dippy Dawg and his 1950s everyman persona of George Geef.
Special thanks to Shane and the other readers who contacted us via email and the comments section to point out these other great gags and tributes.
Explore the 2719 Hyperion Archives:
Freeze Frame! - Goofy's Photo Gallery
The Violent Mayhem of Hockey HomicideHow to Hook Up Your Home TheaterImages © Walt Disney Company
I'm famous! Thanks for the credit, Jeff.
I've been a fan of your blog for a while now ... keep up the great work!
I love this!
Sadly for those of us who live outside the states H. T. H. U. your home theatre still remains elusive. Australian i-tunes does not carry disney shorts! (or movies)
And the short itself has never been released theatrically in Australia.
Thank you for sharing this. THEE Funniest Disney short yet!! I found it on You Tube as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzRcskzm_LI
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