"The flight of the Wright brothers opened a new chapter in American history, bringing with it thrilling exploits and military advancements. With the assistance of modern technology, guests at Victory Field may parachute from a plane or operate tanks and weapons in combat, and experience firsthand what America's soldiers have faced in defense of freedom."
Interesting to think about how such material would have been presented to (or received by) some of the park's international visitors...
- Chris in Apex, NC
I can say that I receive many hits on my site Toons At War from international visitors - mainly from Japan, Germany and France.
The Japanese and Germans spend a lot of time looking at the various posts.
The Germans are especially interested in the Academy Award winning Donald Duck short cartoon der Fuehrer's Face.
I think everyone realizes that World War II is in the past. We cannot deny it happened. That era was just another interesting and often underreported chapter in the history of Walt Disney and his Studio.
disneydave -- Good points, thanks for the info.
- Chris in Apex, NC
I've always wondered what this attraction would actually be - there are vague intimations of virtual reality combat but no clue as to the ride system. I wrote an article about this park on my blog; I'd love to have seen it come to fruition.
I am among those who thought that DISNEY'S AMERICA could be very successful. Thousands of high school students troop to monuments and around the capitol each spring, and would have loved a final day at a Disney park. The Virginians who defeated Michael Eisner' project were afraid of what a park would do, but I suspect in time malls and clutter much worse than a Disney property will be their fate.
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