"The future River Ride promises to be as enjoyable as it is informative. An early concept has visitors boarding a "cruise boat" for a simulated ride down the Rhine and other rivers, the trip affording a visual impression in miniature of the cultural heritage of Germany's past and the highlights of its present. Among the detailed models envisioned are scenes in the Black Forest, the Oktoberfest, Heidelberg, the industrial Ruhr Valley . . . the possibilities are limited only by the planners' imaginations."
It makes you hope that one day they'll say "Heres an extra load of cash... Let's attack the Rhine River!"
Great post Jeff,
I was always wondered about this one - how it managed to get away. Obviously WDP was still planning on building it in 1982. They went as far as to build the show building, which I assume means that the ride design itself was finalized. Which puts both this and "Meet the World" in the odd situation of having something completely designed and ready to go, with show building in place, and canceled. Odd. I say bust out the blueprints and get going...
Perhaps we could have seen the German army marching across the Rhine?
Is the show building currently being used in any way?
As someone who has seen the beauty of the Black Forest, Hiedelburg, and the Rhine River in person - I so wish this ride would come to be built. I actually took a river tour down the Rhine and it was one of the highlights of my time in Germany. It a true shame this one somehow got away...
Scott -
The last time I knew first-hand (which, admittedly, is 10 years ago now)the Germany show building was a workshop for Central Shops and (I think) was the sign shop - fabricating signs and visual elements like that for the parks. The Japan show building at the time was being used for storage/warehouse purposes.
I really wish they'd build this (and more!) as Epcot needs more attractions/rides. They are building shopping and restaurants all the time, because they turn extra profit, but I don't need to spend $72/day to visit a fancy mall. I'm there for rides and entertainment.
As such, adding a Germany pavilion ride would be great IMO, as there's not much else in Germany to see if you're not shopping/eating. The same goes for Italy, but twice as bad (less theming to look at and very small).
Timing being everything, it's very interesting that you made this post today... I'm going to mention a rumor that I've heard about this recently on this week's show... one can only hope!!!
I love all of WDW, but as I get a little older, I appreciate EPCOT more and more. I love reading about what might have been and about the changes taking place now. I hope that Disney continues to enhance and expand EPCOT since I think there is much that can be done with the park.
Can't wit to hear Lou's rumor!
^^^^ Paul B. comment above ^^^^
I don't want to be anonymous
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