Here’s a Freeze Frame that will be likely go unnoticed by the numerous moviegoers seeing Meet the Robinsons this weekend.
The prehistoric hedge sculpture of the brachiosaurus-style dinosaur that features prominently in the Robinsons’ exterior landscaping? That’s Dinosaur Bob.
Dinosaur who?

Dinosaur Bob. The title character of a wonderful and beautifully illustrated storybook by William Joyce. It was another of Joyce’s whimsical and acclaimed works, A Day With Wilbur Robinson, that served as the inspiration for Meet the Robinsons.
The name William Joyce seems to hover just beyond the recognition it so rightly deserves. When you consider Joyce’s resume--distinguished writer and illustrator of children’s books, production and design credits on the television shows Rolie Polie Olie and George Shrinks and the 2005 animated feature Robots, humanitarian whose Katrinarita Gras Foundation was founded to aid artists and arts organizations impacted by the 2005 hurricanes-- you would think he would have gained a bit more notoriety among animation fans and Disney enthusiasts alike.
So the next time you head off to the library or your local Barnes & Noble, take a gander at Dinosaur Bob and Bentley and the Egg. Spend some time with The Leaf Men, George Shrinks, and Santa Calls. These happy and immensely entertaining tomes are well worth your attention.
There's a couple more Dinosaur Bob references besides what you posted. There's obviously the William Joyce Elementary School as well as the baseball team Goob plays on being called the Dinos (complete with Bob on the jersey)
Joyce also did a lot of visual development on Toy Story.
I thought I saw "Joyce Williams Middle School" on the sign, although obviously still a reference.
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