Here are the pics and David’s comments--

From left to right: Back row: Jack King, Dick Lundy, Bert Gillett, Ub Iwerks, Walt Disney, Carl Stalling, Wilfred Jackson
Front row: Jack Cannon, Norm Ferguson, Merle Gibson, Ben Sharpsteen, Les Clark.
Jeff Kurtti relayed some additional information via the comments section of the original post, that provided background on a number of Hyperion Avenue structures that were relocated to Burbank. I’m reprinting Jeff’s remarks here for those who may have missed them:
"Two Hyperion buildings were moved and combined to create the Shorts Building on the Burbank Lot.
The Personnel Building that now houses the Studio Store and Employee Center was likewise moved from Hyperion to Burbank.
The Publicity and Comic Strips Building, which was actually a small wood frame bungalow, was moved to Burbank where it was long the Studio Mail Room, and has since been moved again and renovated as two conference/meeting spaces, known as the Hyperion Bungalow and the Silver Lake Room (Silverlake is the neighborhood where the Hyperion Studio was located)."
Special thanks to David and Jeff for their contributions. And check out David’s great Toons at War blog if you haven’t already. It features material from his extensive and incredibly impressive collection of World War II era Disneyana. Great, great stuff!
Thanks for the kind comments about my blog Jeff.
Speaking of the converted bungalow that Jeff Kurtti mentions...when I used to travel to Anaheim to attend the Mouse Club and National Fantasy Fan Club Disneyana conventions, I always made a point to book an appoint to conduct some research at the Walt Disney Archives in Burbank.
Both Dave Smith and Robert Tieman at the Archives were always generous with their time.
During several different trips I had the opportunity to look through interesting boxes and files of research material.
On one of my trips I took a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 24x28 inch poster with me to possibly trade with Dave Smith.
I remember Dave taking me down to the basement where there was a HUGE room filled with all manner of Disneyana...great items by the score from the so-called "golden age."
There were cabinets filled with memorabilia. Dave and I looked through the Archive's poster collection, searching for a 1930s Mickey Mouse poster to exchange for my Snow White poster. Alas, they had no duplicates and I returned home with my Snow White item. But that was like walking into Scrooge's money vault - riches galore that made my mouth water!
On one occasion, myself and my friend Dennis Books did a little exploring of the Burbank Studio site after a day at the Archives.
One of the buildings we went into was the Hyperion Bungalow.
To this day I remember walking inside that small house and looking around. There was repro art on some of the walls in the rooms and I recall at the time daydreaming, if you will, about all the wonderous things that had been created within the confines of those walls some 45 - 50 years previous.
I acquired the pictures you've posted in your blog from the Archives. I had some photos, which were taken during the permiere of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, that the Archives did not have copies of. I gave them my set of originals to make duplicates of and in return I was allowed to have copies made of several of their photos, which included the two you have shown.
Love your is one that I visit often. I'll be sure to share some more items from my own collection with you as time permits.
Thanks for providing additional background on both the Studio and the Archives. My dream is to visit the archives someday, though I understand access to it is more difficult as time goes on. I'm very envious of my spouse, who visited it and met Dave Smith when she was in Burbank as part of Disney Store management training.
I count myself very fortunate. I used to go to the Disneyana conventions with regularity in the 1980s. I was able to get into the Archives pretty much every trip and I usually devoted at least one full day there.
The Archives are a fascinating place and Dave Smith and Robert Tieman were always accomodating.
I remember going through literally dozens of books filled with b/w photos, books filled with newspaper clippings and press releases and boxes of research material.
I recall on one trip going through a box of 1930s Mickey Mouse Club material and a second box containing 1930s documents related to Walt Disney's polo hobby.
And then, of course, the cabinets of material and original art they have on display.
Unfortunately it's pretty impossible to get into the Archives these days. It's my understanding Legal has to give the okay for anyone wanting to do research now.
If you can manage a visit, be prepared, as it can be a bit overwhelming...especially as a collector of the stuff.
There's a recent book, "Walt Disney."
The Disney brothers built matching houses at the corner of Lyric and St. George. Their houses are still there.
My father rented a store across the street from the studio (It was on both sides of Hyperion.), and that building, with a circular tower like
a Morrish turret, is long gone.
I did a little research on the Hyperion Bungalow to find some original pictures and a bit more history behind the original Disney Studio building(s), and found your site.
I work at the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, CA. Over the past week or so, the original bungalow (where they now have small conference rooms) is being renovated. They're removing the original siding and replacing it with new siding. Before they threw all of the original pieces away, I had to do something.
I dropped by the construction site yesterday morning and asked if I could have one of the pieces of siding that was going to be tossed. The construction guys were totally gracious and humored me by giving me the uppermost piece of siding - the triangle at the top of the building, right above the doorway. :)
I know, I know... I'm a whole new level of "Disney Geek", but I'm proud to own a true piece of Disney, and American, history.
The camera seems to be the same that I posted about here. The artwork under the platen is a Mickey & Minnie title card, while the stack of cells seems to be from The Gorilla Mystery (1931). It is most interesting that we see the same room (same tiles, same stripe on wall) but from a different side! Same Mickey poster, too...
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