It is indeed an especially intriguing and engaging category of Disney-produced artwork. The insignia designs that were created by the studio for military units during World War II remain, remarkably, quite inaccessible. The book Disney Dons Dogtags by Walton Rawls presented a very extensive collection of Disney insignia-related artwork; it was published in 1992 but unfortunately has been long out of print.
For our newest 2719 Hyperion Exhibition Hall exhibit, we have collected many of those insignia designs from a somewhat unexpected source--the pages of the comic book series Walt Disney's Comics and Stories. Frequently during the war years, the comic magazine would typically feature six to twelve insignia designs in a single issue. For this first installment in the Service with Character exhibit series, we present forty designs that were originally published in that comic during the last few months of 1942. Included are the corresponding identifications and descriptions that appeared with each design.
Service with Character: Disney World War II Insignia is currently on display in Exhibit Room 2W. Enjoy!
Service with Character: Disney World War II Insignia is currently on display in Exhibit Room 2W. Enjoy!
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