Monday, December 06, 2010

Exhibiton Hall: Peter Pan's Christmas Story

This year marks the 50th anniversary of one of the Walt Disney Company's lesser know holiday traditions.  Beginning in 1960, Disney-produced, holiday-themed comic strips were featured in newspapers across the country.  Each strip was launched in late November and typically ran for approximately four weeks before ending on December 24.  The very first of these annual comic strips was Peter Pan's Christmas Story.

The story, consisting of 24 daily strips, featured Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Captain Hook and Mr. Smee and also included the Seven Dwarfs.  It was written by Frank Reilly with art by Manuel Gonzales.

For many of us baby boomers, these annual "bonus" comic strips were a very big deal indeed.  We would clip and collect them and ultimately put them in a safe place where we would never find them again.  I stumbled upon the strips recently while conducting some wholly unrelated research and it was like magically unlocking an obscure and completely forgotten childhood memory.

So head on over to the Exhibition Hall and into Exhibit Room 2C where, presented in its entirety, is Peter Pan's Christmas Story.  It was originally distributed by Kings Features Syndication and published from November 28 to December 24, 1960.


  1. That was pretty cute! Thanks for posting it!

  2. Rate story and great drawings! Many thanks for sharing!

  3. Escobar again5/28/2012 11:33 PM

    I meant rare story, of course...
