Thursday, December 22, 2011

Exhibition Hall: Walt Disney's Christmas Carol

Every Christmas season, I still get emails about Walt Disney's Christmas Carol.

In those very early days of 2719 Hyperion, back in the latter months of 2006, I featured what I thought was an interesting, if rather obscure piece of Disney ephemera from the 1950s.  A friend, upon cleaning out the nooks and crannies of his elderly parents' home, presented me with eight torn, water-stained and near crumbling pages that had been removed from a copy of the December 1957 issue of McCalls magazine.  Contained on those pages was an illustrated holiday vignette entitled Walt Disney's Christmas Carol.  It was a perfect match for my fledgling Disney blog and on December 16, 2006, I posted the article Cedric's Christmas Carol that described what I considered a likely long forgotten piece of holiday nostalgia.

Shortly thereafter, the emails started arriving.  I heard from many fellow baby boomers who distinctly remembered this liberal retelling of the Dickens classic from their childhoods.  For many, it was a holiday tradition to read the story on Christmas Eve.  And every correspondence I received included a request for a copy of the story.

With the launch of the 2719 Hyperion Exhibition Hall, I realized I finally had an ideal forum in which to make available the complete text and illustrations of Walt Disney's Christmas Carol.  You can read the complete story in Exhibit Room 3S.  Enjoy!


  1. I LOVE Disney's Christmas Carol. I wish it was still featured on TV.

    On a side note, I love your blog's background

  2. Thank you Jeff, Dickens with a Disney twist will continue as a wonderful holiday treat for my family for many more years.

    miss your DSI collaborations with Lou

    Merry Christmas

  3. Thanks for this! As a Christmas Carol (and Disney) collector I was thrilled to have a new/old take on Scrooge's saga. I linked to your post here

  4. My pleasure, Brian! Thanks for the link!

  5. Is this story still available anywhere?
